Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Through The Posts, Darkly

I just realized that I recently posted my 200th randomly generated string of words and incorrectly used punctuation on this little blog-thingy. (This is using the yearly counts on the blog page; there are several drafts that have not, and will not, ever see the light of day pixels of your monitor, as well as at least one that was deleted post-posting.) It’s quite obvious that I put no special effort into that particular post (though I suppose that could be said about any of my posts), as I’m generally not one to celebrate one of a set of items or events more than others simply because its ordinal position ends in 0.*

On the other hand, I did leave a heartfelt comment on the crossword author’s blog (if you didn’t happen to click on the link, the post was about a crossword puzzle with a theme of “Love Gone Wrong Songs”), and he replied in a YouTube video, which I thought was very nice. He did seem to think I was a female, presumably because of my writing style, as I didn’t include the picture of the hottie that I use when I’m on ChatRoulette, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and I hope you realize that I’m referring to being mistaken as a female writer, not using a female picture on ChatRoulette, which is bad in the sense that you’re misrepresenting yourself for perhaps nefarious purposes, and which is something I try not to do, except, you know, for the occasional “Wow, I love Merchant-Ivory films too! Hey … you seem really nice …”, which doesn’t work anyway, as it’s quickly followed by a sideways plunge off of my barstool. Anyway, my 200th post generated a YouTube video, which I guess is kind of bitchin’ in a milestoney kind of way.

So even though I have no celebratory gala planned in recognition of my bicentennic** rambling, I think I'll take on the task of going back and adding tags to each post. Tags, I’m told, are a way of indexing blog entries so that they may be searched/filtered by various topics. As my memory has been shot to hell by my religiously-dictated ingestion of peyote and mescaline (others familiar with my youth may point to the heavy drinking during my early teens as a cause, but I prefer to lay the blame with a deity of some sort), I have hopes that this will help me develop a timeline of sorts of just what the hell I’ve been doing and thinking for the last 2 years.

For some reason, I suspect that I may regret this.

* The exception to this is my joyous reaction to the Cleveland Indian’s 10th victory each baseball season, as each year I fear that they won’t reach that mark.
** Totally made up adjective.

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