So I was doing a little cleaning this afternoon - going through stacks of papers that should have just been thrown away in the first place (hey look! It's my receipt for the furnace filters that I bought in 2006! Thank god I kept that!) - and I found some chicken scratch that I jotted down when I went camping last summer:
"Lots of big-ass campers and fat people. Two tasks: 1) Don't get beat up, and 2) Address self - am I weightist?"
"Am regretting my decision of buying only one bottle of tonic water."
"Why would a bee want to drink my gin? It's fucking Gilbey's, for god's sake!"
There was some other stuff about Duke the wandering camp dog and my pride over having started a fire, but it was mostly illegible.
6 years ago
Anything about "I wish she were." Oh wait! It's "I wish she was..." Damn, which is it??
I'll just say that there were other things that I wrote.
I used "was".
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