Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Let's See ... Spaghetti, Dog Food, Fleeting Moment Of Passion, Lettuce ...

I enjoy going to Winco to shop. I don’t always go there, because it’s a few miles away, and the convenience grocery store a few blocks will usually suffice to provide for my low-volume sustenance. Nevertheless, I do appreciate the no-frills, low-cost approach. Red bell peppers, for example, are usually around $.60 there, while they run a couple of bucks at Albertsons. The corn on the cob is usually about the same price, but the quality seems much higher at Winco. They’ve really got that whole “economies of scale” thing down pretty good.

I also enjoy it when some quite-attractive-couldn’t-be-a-day-over-22 checkout girl cards me for beer, but to be honest, that’s … well, let’s just say that happens only slightly more often than a five run homer.

However, as much as I enjoy the budgetary advantages of shopping there, I think my favorite thing about Winco is the social interplay that takes place between the shoppers as they criss-cross the aisles. It’s far more erotic than it might appear at first – one might be excused for not noticing the coy, sideways glances, the faint, wispy smiles, the quick strokes of fingers through hair, as the bodies stroll past each other, all pretending to be oh-so-interested in the deal of the day. It’s a subtle dance, as you first sense the sultry sexuality of a smokin’ shopress near the cereal*, initiating a reprioritization of your list and a quick calculation of when you need to arrive in dry goods, so that you can pass her again, forgetting any concerns with the efficiency of your trip, only hoping to lock eyes with her, if just for the briefest of moments; for in that moment comes a blissful sort of amnesia, a fleeting yet sweet release from your worldly ties and all that binds you, weighs on you, burdens you as did the heavens burden Atlas, and it’s only you two, if but for a split second, until, with the slightest of blushes and a shy downward glance, the spell is broken, and it’s off to the beer cooler to see if you can slam a quick one without getting busted.

It's definitely an interesting dynamic. Still, though, even without all that, you really can’t beat that deal on red bell peppers.

* The suckiness of my metaphors is rivaled only by that of my attempts at alliteration.


Indy The BEST Dog Ever said...

Your interpretation of the shopping dynamic is interesting. Myself..I would have likened it more battle.

Indy The BEST Dog Ever said...

More TO battle, that is.

The Dead Acorn said...

Well, love and war are really sides of the same coin, are they not?

(Umm, actually, I'm pretty sure they're not, they're like opposites, or at best, irrelevant to one another, but still, I take your statement as it being a battle at it's word, but somehow interpret it in a way that still fits my narrative ... an anger driven momentary passion is no less a passion than any other.

I'm not even going to re-read that before I click publish. I'm tipsy.

The Dead Acorn said...

Fuck. "it's"? Damnit. That's embarrassing.

amber said...

Honestly... I would have gone with battle for Winco as well...

But, Dead Acorn, just write a missed connection on the craigslist page. Not only could you potentially reconnect with your misty, water colored cereal aisle girl, you will also bring my day a little ray of sunshine as I scroll past it and recognize your handiwork...

Indy The BEST Dog Ever said...

That would be hilarious to see something like that on Craigslist!!

dirty and pink said...

on a sociological note... WINCO stands for Washington, Idaho, Nevada, California. It is employee owned. You are doing a good deed spending your duckets there. enjoy the blog, as always.

And yes, the doors could be eradicated and that would be A OK.

Indy The BEST Dog Ever said...

What does the 'O' stand for? Oregon?

dirty and pink said...

oops! yep it does and i live in oregon, embarrassing!