Thursday, December 15, 2011

Practicing Safe IPYPIASM

Oh dear.

As I realize that my contribution to the tally of the United States in IPYPIASM 2011 (International Put Your Poem In A Shop Month) has been woefully pathetic at best, I’ve attempted to enlist the aid of others in restoring our nation’s stature in the international community.  Sure, it won’t exactly offset the fact that our government is currently passing legislation that will allow our President to indefinitely detain American citizens without charges if they’re simply suspected of terrorist activities, but a good showing in the final IPYPIASM count wouldn’t just be chump change, either. 

Not that it’s a competition, mind you …

The usual reaction to my explanation of IPYPIASM to friends is something along the lines of “You do what now?  In a shop?  Have you been into the wood alcohol again, Dead Acorn?”  Fortunately, there are exceptions, and I’m pleased as punch to be able to present the brilliant work of one such person:

Above:  One does not cautiously dip a toe into the pool of IPYPIASM; one cannonballs off the high platform, screaming "COWABUNGA!".

A close-up of the text, which is far more helpful and realistic advice for the youth of the world than “just say no!”:

Above:  How can this not be in next year’s high school health textbooks?

It’s knowing people like her that makes life really scary interesting.  She is, as they say, “special.” (In that best of ways, course.)


Anonymous said...

By far the best contribution to the world and advice to it's youth that I have seen to date. This should be posted on every condom/pregnancy test shelf in the nation.

amber said...

I love yr blog. Can I share this with the poets of facebook?

The Bug said...

I love this! I'm also amused that I tried to read it at work & your blog was deemed to be pornographic or some such. Ha!

I placed my 3rd poem in a shop this evening - my post is scheduled to publish in the morning :)

P.S. I think mine from the other day would be a nice bookend to yours:

Niamh B said...

She's a genius!! Suberb words of wisdom and such daring display! with the pink background and all.

Amber - pls share IPYPIASM with the world, I'll be happy to put up any resulting poems. Remember America's at a score of 5. (noncompetitive mind)

Pete Goulding said...

Oh yes, yes, yes! Practically perfect placement, full and bold. Shame on the shop manager that removes such sage advice!!

The Dead Acorn said...

Amber - absolutely! Various Cushions at is IPYPIASM central and a good place for all things poetic.

Bug - I can't think of a higher compliment than to be blocked for pornography. And I loved your poem!

Niamh and Peter - yes, she doesn't really shy away from anything. It can make things interesting.

Domestic Oub said...

I wish I'd had such sage advice once upon a time...

Titus said...

Oh, fabulous. Now post it to D'Oub in case she's tempted again.

Emerging Writer said...

I'm finally getting on the bus this year thanks to inspiring posts such as your own.